Your Vote Important

Your Vote Important

Your vote matters
Press Mention
Date of Release or Mention: 
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Letter to the Editor: 

Local elections are as important as national elections because they decide things that affect our daily lives. The average citizen interacts with their state and local governments much more than the federal government. These interactions include driver’s license services, police services, fire departments, libraries, and schools.

City elections determine funding and maintenance of roads, bridges, and water and sewer systems, among other things. Some mayors appoint and dismiss department heads, including the chief of police. They may introduce new laws. City council members have the final vote on new laws and budgets. County executives and commissioners play similar roles to mayors and city councils, but for their entire counties.

People need to be informed about the candidates and their stands on issues that will affect voters' daily lives. They can go to VOTE411.ORG  and SCVOTES.GOV to read about the candidates and where they stand on these topics.

Voter turnout is typically extremely low for local elections because people think their votes do not matter. Take part in your government on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. GO VOTE! 


~Elizabeth Jones

Vice President, Voter Services 
League of Women Voters of South Carolina



League to which this content belongs: 
South Carolina