Past Events For South Carolina

What would Fair Maps look like? Sept. 29, 7 pm. Zoom
Event Date: 
Sep 29 2021 07:00 pm
Event location: 

ZOOM virtual event

Worried about gerrymandered districts? Come see what maps drawn without prioritizing incumbent or partisan protection look like.

The League of Women Voters, in consultation with their nonpartisan Redistricting Advisory Committee, will be submitting a set of maps to the legislature. See the maps, hear about the process, and get the latest update on legislative redistricting.

Urge Congress to pass the For the People Act
Event Date: 
Sep 17 2021 11:00 am
Event location: 

Strom Thurmond Monument, South Carolina State House

On September 17, Columbia will be joining hundreds of other communities nationwide for a day of action demanding that the Senate “Finish the Job For the People” and pass the For the People Act (H.R.1, the voting rights expansion bill). Join the League and other advocates for voting rights legislation.

Voting Rights Now March
Event Date: 
Sep 17 2021 08:00 am
Event location: 

Mt Pleasant Memorial Waterfront Park

Join the League of Women Voters of the Charleston Area to march for passage of the John Lewis Advancement Act and the For the People Voting Rights Act.

Providing information about the election process
Event Date: 
Aug 23 2021 07:00 pm

Election season is coming, and the League of Women Voters will be ready! The League of Women Voters of the Columbia Area will be hosting a Voter Registration Training Webinar for people wanting to volunteer to help others register to vote.

July 20 SC Senate Redistricting Commitee Mtg
Event Date: 
Jul 20 2021 10:30 am
Event location: 

L. Marion Gressette Bldg.

The SC Senate Redistricting Committee held its first meeting at 10:30 am on Tuesday, July 20, 2021.  View the archived July 20 session.  #WeAreWatching

Event Date: 
Jun 30 2021 12:00 am to 11:45 pm

All articles due to Linda Powers-Bilanchone.

Event Date: 
Jun 09 2021 05:00 pm to Jun 10 2021 04:45 pm

Monthly Call with Local League Leaders and State Co-presidents.

Event Date: 
Jun 05 2021 10:30 am

State Board Meeting in Columbia. The State Board of the League of Women Voters of South Carolina will discuss future plans and attend to matters of SC leagues.

Event Date: 
May 17 2021 05:00 pm to May 18 2021 04:45 pm

Lynn Teague presents an update on the State Legislative Branches.

Event Date: 
May 14 2021 12:00 am to 11:45 pm


Past Events Co-Hosted By South Carolina

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