Many ways to donate

Many ways to donate

supporting my values with a gift to the League

Help Defend Democracy. There are so many ways to support the LWVSC.  Make a gift in a way that is meaningful to you.

Become a monthly donorBecome a Monthly Donor

Our democracy needs defending every single day. Your monthly recurring donation will provide ongoing support to oppose threats to our democracy.


The bequest is the most common form of planned giving. With a bequest, you may make provision in your will, designating either a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to the LWVSC.   Bequests should be prepared and executed with your attorney's assistance.

Gifts of Individual Retirement Accounts

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a wonderful option for people 70 ½ and older. That's because it allows you to make a gift — from $100 to $105,000 — without the distribution counting as taxable income. 

This giving option is a direct contribution made from your traditional or Roth IRA to the LWVSC  and is a great option if you don't normally itemize your charitable deductions.

Employee Matching Gifts

Many employers will match employee donations to eligible nonprofit organizations. It’s an easy way to double your contribution to us. Contact your employer’s HR or community giving department to find out if they have a matching gift program.

Stephanie Wood, a League member  and Johnson & Johnson retiree, understands the value of doubling her dollars to advance our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy:

“My contribution to the LWVSC is doubled by my former employer. The process is so easy. I just complete the matching gift application and mail it with my personal contribution.”

Questions or more information? 

Contact the treasurer.