Transparency & Accountability

Transparency & Accountability

Our Position:

Refer to the LWVSC Program & Action Agenda for our current position on this issue and background/action information, as applicable. 

Current Issues: 

See Advocacy>Legislative Advocacy>Electoral Democracyfor current issues and testimonies related to this topic. 


LWVSC has advocated for required disclosure of donors to organizations that engage in electioneering. 

Regulatory Reform Regarding Utilities

The need for reform of utility regulation became apparent with the failure of the V. C. Summer Nuclear Plant, which had been overseen with a blind eye through regulatory capture at the legislative and agency (Public Service Commission, Office of Regulatory Staff, Public Service Authority) levels. South Carolina’s government regulation of utilities was neither accountable nor transparent, as called for by League positions. Years of intensive lobbying by utility interests as well as poor mission definition and lack of accountability measures for oversight agencies led to the passage of the catastrophic Base Load Review Act, which gave ORS and the PSC no recourse but to approve repeated rate hikes for a failed project