Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Wind Turbines

Legislative Priorities and Positions 

Consistent with LWVSC and LWVUS studied positions, the LWVSC supports and opposes, as indicated below, the following legislative initiatives in the SC legislature.

1. The LWVSC is strongly opposed to off-shore drilling.

2. The LWVSC strongly supports the continuance and establishment on firm financial footing of the Conservation Bank.

3. The LWVSC supports a Clean Power plan that values energy efficiency and encourages power from solar and wind.

4. The LWVSC supports legislative reform that will result in evenhanded funding of needed repairs and improvements throughout the state.

5. The LWVSC supports monitoring efforts to improve infrastructure and regulations important for handling severe weather events.

6. The LWVSC supports protecting citizens' rights to enforce clean-up of past pollution.

7. The LWVSC supports upholding the Automatic Stay provision that prevents harmful and irreparable development from taking place before permitting appeals are decided.

8. The LWVSC supports the addition of a Western Capacity Use Area to help control groundwater withdrawals.

9. The LWVSC supports DHEC accountability for the Pinewood hazardous waste site, and supports funding for maintenance and monitoring.

10. Regarding the protection of our shoreline, the LWVSC supports the designation of a baseline that will prevent development from moving closer to the ocean and opposes special exemptions for seawalls.

11. The LWVSC supports promoting an Environmental Bill of Rights, which, if passed through a referendum, would become part of the SC Constitution.