Archived Action Alerts

All Wisconsin Action Alerts

Take Action Contact State Senators

Action Alerts

The State Senate will vote Tuesday on two bills supported by the League and one that we oppose.

CTA Prevent Gun Violence

Action Alerts

It’s time for Congress to move legislation to end gun violence once and for all. Contact your member of the U.S

Call your Legislators

Action Alerts

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin mourns the loss of scores of innocent lives in three recent mass shootings -- in Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio -- in one week.

Call your Legislators

Action Alerts

Call to Action: Contact your State Senator and Assembly Representative to support SB 288 and AB 303 - the redistricting reform bill which would adopt the system that has been used very successfully in Iowa since the 1980s.

Restore the Voting Rights Amendment

Action Alerts

June 25th marks six years since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder decision which overturned essential provisions of the VRA which has led to countless attacks on the voting rights of Americans.

Honor the 19th amendment

Action Alerts

100 years ago, the U.S. House voted on passage of the 19th Amendment.

HR1 Senate Call to Action

Action Alerts

The companion bill was introduced in the U.S.

Protect the Great Lakes Pledge

Action Alerts

LWVWI urges you to sign the Protect Our Great Lakes pledge in support of the Great Lakes Compact, the federal law that strictly limits removal of

HR 1, the Peoples Act, democracy, election reform

Action Alerts

HR1, the For the People Act, comprises a bold, transformative set of reforms to strengthen our democracy and return political power to the people. The League has worked to influence the language in this bill and to ensure it moves forward.

WI Capitol winter

Action Alerts

We want to thank every League member and friend who contacted lawmakers or went to the State Capitol this week in opposition to the lame duck session of the legislature. Without much notice and with lit
