Past Events For Delaware + Sussex County, Delaware + the US (LWVUS) + New Castle County + Kent County, Delaware

drop of water spreading ripples in water| TED - Ideas worth spreading
Event Date: 
Apr 20 2019 01:00 pm to Apr 21 2019 02:45 pm
Event location: 

St. Philips Lutheran Church

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County invites you to its monthly TED Talk Discussion, third Saturdays at 1 pm. The format is to watch the TED Talk video and then discuss the "Ideas Worth Sharing."

Great Decisions 2019
Event Date: 
Apr 15 2019 01:30 pm to 03:30 pm
Event location: 

Newark Library

Judy Villamarin will lead discussion of the topic "The Middle East: Regional Disorder." Optional lunch beforehand at Skipjack, The Shoppes of Louviers, 401 Louviers Dr, Newark.

pencil drawing - hand depositing ballot in ballot box
Event Date: 
Apr 13 2019 08:00 am to Apr 14 2019 05:45 pm
Event location: 

New Castle Senior Center

The New Castle Weekly reported the following election results on 4/13/2019: "Mike Quaranta is mayor, Valarie Leary and Suzanne Souder have the four-year council terms, and Russ Smith has the two-year term."

Candidates forum
Event Date: 
Apr 10 2019 06:00 pm to Apr 11 2019 07:45 pm
Event location: 

Frankford Public Library

The League of Women Voters of Sussex County is sponsoring a Indian River School Board candidates forum on April 10th at Frankford Public Library from 6-8pm.  

League of Women Voters of Delaware
Event Date: 
Apr 10 2019 09:30 am to Apr 11 2019 11:45 am
Event location: 

Tatnall Bldg, 3rd floor conference room

The Advocacy Corps will hold its bi-monthly meeting on 4/10 at 9:30am.

Delaware state capitol building
Event Date: 
Apr 10 2019 09:30 am to Apr 11 2019 11:45 am
Event location: 

Tatnall Building

Regular 2nd Wednesday meeting of the LWVDE Advocacy Corps (legislative lobby group) in Dover.

Catherine Rooney's awning and storefront
Event Date: 
Apr 09 2019 06:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Event location: 

Catherine Rooney's in Trolley Square

New and current League members, friends, and partner organizations are invited to an informal evening Meet & Greet event in Wilmington.

pencil drawing - hand depositing ballot in ballot box
Event Date: 
Apr 09 2019 07:00 am to Apr 10 2019 07:45 pm
Event location: 

your local polling place

Preliminary winners posted by the city of Newark on 4/10/2019: Jerry Clifton Mayor, James Horning Jr. and Sharon Hughes for City Council.

logo of the League of Women Voters of Sussex County
Event Date: 
Apr 05 2019 10:00 am to Apr 06 2019 09:45 am
Event location: 

Milton Public Library

The April board meeting of the League of Women Voters of Sussex County will be held at the Milton Public Library on April 5th at 10am.

Man taking oath is shown from behind with his right hand raised
Event Date: 
Apr 04 2019 11:00 am to Apr 05 2019 10:45 am
Event location: 

Federal Building in Wilmington, DE

LWVNCC volunteers distribute welcome packets to the new citizens.


Past Events Co-Hosted By Delaware + Kent County, Delaware + New Castle County + Sussex County, Delaware + the US (LWVUS)

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