League Education and Advocacy Day (LEAD)
Program: Recharge and refocus with fellow League members at 2022 League Education and Advocacy Day (LEAD), presented virtually via Zoom on Saturday, January 22, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Hear about the status of civics education in South Carolina schools from panelists Rebecca Mueller, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Social Studies Education at USC Upstate; Patrick Kelly, Director of Governmental Affairs for the SC Palmetto Teachers Association and AP Government/Politics instructor; and Marc Turner, President-elect of the SC Council for Social Studies, Co-Chair of the SC Council for History Education, and AP History/Government/Economics instructor.
Lynn Teague, LWVSC Vice President, Issues & Advocacy, will preview the 2022 SC legislative session. Redistricting Work Group Co-Chairs Matt Saltzman and Shayna Howell will summarize “What We Gained and What We Lost.” To help us navigate turbulent midterm election waters Sharda Jackson Smith, LWVSC Director, National Issues and Action, and JoAnne Day, LWVSC Director, State Program, will engage us in the timely topic: “Staying Nonpartisan in Hyper-Partisan Times.”
LEAD 2022 Companion Materials
LEAD 2022 Recordings and References
Presenters' Slides
LWVSC LEAD: Remaining Nonpartisan.ppt