Oppose Transgender Bans: S.623 Changes to Birth Certificates; S.627 Gender Identity

Oppose Transgender Bans: S.623 Changes to Birth Certificates; S.627 Gender Identity

Time Range For Action Alert: 
Mar 21 2023 to Apr 30 2023

 your voice matters

The Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee is considering two bills that will ban gender-affirming care and restrict individual rights.  The League opposes both bills. The rights to control our own bodies and personal health care decisions are fundamental to our health, dignity, and freedom.

Let's all raise our voices to halt these bills at the subcommittee level. Everyone, email/write the Subcommittee. Pack the Subcommittee meeting room if you can. Sign up to testify on March 29 when details become available. 

Key legislators

Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee: Richard Cash (Chair), Billy Garrett, Brad Hutto, Kevin Johnson,  Dwight Loftis, Shane Martin, John Scot

The ask

1. By March 29, contact and write the Subcommittee.

Emaismedicomm [at] scsenate.gov (emails, documents, and videos accepted.) 
And/or write: 
Senate Medical Affairs Committee
Attn: Research Director
PO Box 142, Gressette Bldg. 412
Columbia, SC 2920

2. Attend a Subcommittee meeting if you can. Let's pack the room. 

  • March 23, 9 am, room 105, Gressette
  • March 29, schedule TBA (oral testimony by advance registration) 

Talking points

  • The rights to control our own bodies and personal health care decisions are fundamental to our health, dignity, and freedom.
  • S. 623 imposes gender definitions on individuals that may be contrary to their own understanding of their identity and contrary to current medical understanding of the complexity of human sexuality and gender.
  • S. 627 interferes with the basic right of every individual to make health care decisions in consultation with their physicians, advising them according to professionally accepted standards of care. Every citizen deserves a nurturing and supportive environment. For minors, this is best served by individuals consulting family and physicians, not legislators.
  • The American Medical Association has emphatically rejected government intrusion into the practice of medicine that is detrimental to the health of transgender and gender-diverse children and adults. These bills are such intrusions.

Bill details

  • S. 623 provides that gender changes to a person's birth certificate may only be to change from male to female or female to male, and to provide for affidavits that must accompany a petition to document that there was a clerical error in the original birth certificate or, within one year of birth, a misidentification of gender.
  • S. 627 prohibits the provision of gender transition procedures to a person under age 18, prohibits the use of public funds for gender transition procedures, and prohibits school staff and officials from withholding knowledge of a minor's perception of their gender from the minor's parents. 
Issues referenced by this action alert: