South Carolina Subscribed Articles

South Carolina Subscribed Articles

Public Statement

En la mayor activación de su historia, la Liga de Mujeres Votantes organizará más de 600 eventos de registro de votantes este año en reconocimiento al Día Nacional de Registro de Votantes.

Public Statement

In the largest activation in history, the League of Women Voters will host more than 600 voter registration events this year in recognition of National Voter Registration Day. 

Public Statement

The Black Voters Matter, and Naeva (formerly known as Native American Voters Alliance) moved today to intervene on behalf of voters in a lawsuit. 

Public Statement

The following is a joint statement from LWVUS CEO Celina Stewart and LWV Florida co-presidents Cecilie Scoon and Debbie Chandler. 

Public Statement

For democracy to truly work, we must make space for all Americans — whether they were born in this country or made it their home via immigration — to be included and respected.

College students, register to vote!
Blog Post

Are you attending college in South Carolina? If so, you have a choice to make.

Resident students in South Carolina may register to vote either where they reside while attending college or at their home of origin. Whether you consider yourself to be more a resident of your college location or your original home location is up to you. Only you can decide where you think you want your voice as a voter to be heard. Just know that you can vote either where you attend school or at your home of origin, but not both.


With school board elections coming in November, we co-hosted a forum to highlight the importance of voting in the school board races, and how voters can evaluate which candidates will best represent them and their community.

Healthcare in SC update
Research & Studies

Health Care in Anderson/Oconee/Pickens Counties and SC

Submitted by Janet Marsh Member, LWVOP Health Care Team


Healthcare Image
Public Statement

SC is one of only 10 states that has refused to expand health insurance coverage for working-age adults although Federal funds would cover more than 90% of the cost.

Blog Post

Voters deserve to hear directly from the candidates campaigning to represent us at the highest level.

See which candidates have filled out our voter guides and demand the rest follow their example!
