South Carolina Subscribed Articles

South Carolina Subscribed Articles


This story was originally published in the Oxford Observer.

The Oxford League of Women Voters is organizing a letter-writing campaigns against two proposed bills that they say would damage democracy in Ohio.


This op-ed was originally published by Duluth News Tribune.

The League of Women Voters of Duluth, MN, wrote about the need for a national popular vote.


This is an episode of Deeper Dive with Dara Kam and was originally shared on City & State Florida.

League of Women Voters of Florida President Cecile Scoon and Dara discuss a wide-ranging elections bill, as well as recent laws that Scoon, a civil-rights attorney, said have made it more difficult for Floridians to vote.

Blog Post

When redistricting is done fairly, each person’s vote is equal to every other person’s because their districts are drawn in ways that accurately represent the voting power of the people within them.

When redistricting is done unfairly, however, and maps are created to favor one party (partisan gerrymandering) or with race as the predominant factor (racial gerrymandering), voters in certain districts are given more power than others. 

Public Statement

Baton Rouge, LA — Today, the League of Women Voters of Louisiana (LWV of Louisiana), along with Voice of the Experienced (VOTE) and the Power Coalition for Equity and Justice (Power Coalition), filed a lawsuit, with representation from Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Bill Quigley of Loyola University Law School, asking the US District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana to declare a part of the state’s felony disenfranchisement scheme unconstitutional and illegal under federal voting rights law.  

Public Statement

RALEIGH — The League of Women Voters of North Carolina President Jo Nicholas released the following statement after the North Carolina Supreme Court took unprecedented action and reversed its prior ruling that North Carolina’s congressional and state legislative maps were unconstitutional partisan gerrymanders under the state Constitution:


This article was originally published by Talking Points Memo.

A voting rights group is suing Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R-FL) administration for its “byzantine” voter registration process, which has led to the arrests of dozens of formerly incarcerated people who accidentally voted illegally.

The League of Women Voters of Florida filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd (R) for allegedly failing to comply with federal requirements for voter registration. 


This story was originally published in the Manistee News Advocate.

The League of Women Voters Manistee County will team up with the Manistee County Clerk's Office and the Vogue Theatre this week to register high school seniors to vote.


This story was originally published in the Moscow-Pullman Daily News. 

The League of Women Voters of Pullman is encouraging conversations about politics between children and their families through art.


This article was originally published in The Miami Student.

Recent changes to Ohio’s voting laws put the state among those with the most restrictive voting requirements in the country.
